How can i trigger exception in laravel PHPunit Tests

I am facing an issue while trying to test the exception handling in a Laravel controller that involves database interactions. Specifically, I want to test the catch block of an exception in the store method of my controller. The store method looks like this:

public function store(Request $request, Pipeline $pipeline)
    try {
            "name" => ["required", "max:512"],
            "stage" => ["required", "in:".Stage::toCSV()],

        // Database interaction here (e.g., MyModel::create())

        return response()->json(["message" => trans("round.created")], 201);
    } catch (Exception $e) {
        Log::error('Exception in MyController@store: ' . $e->getMessage());
        Log::error('Stack trace: ' . $e->getTraceAsString());
        return redirect()->back()->banner(trans('error'));

this is what i tried so far

$this->mock(AppModelsMyModel::class, function ($mock) {
                ->andThrow(new Exception('Simulated exception'));
$this->mock(Exception::class, function ($mock) {
            $mock->shouldReceive('getMessage')->andReturn('Mocked exception message');

Any suggestions or guidance on how to correctly mock the database interaction to simulate an exception and test the catch block would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you!