Tumblr Theme Development – Loading and Manipulating Post Notes Appearance

I’m currently working on a Tumblr theme development project and could use some guidance. I know Tumblr theme development isn’t as common nowadays, but I’m stuck and hoping someone can shed some light.

I’ve created a script to manipulate the appearance of post notes, mimicking the Tumblr dashboard with categories for reblogs, likes, and comments. However, I’m facing problems when attempting to load more notes.

A screenshot of the post notes from the main dashboard


  1. I’m unsure how to re-run the script that Tumblr uses when loading more notes.
  2. I need to re-assign the newly loaded notes to the script I created.

Notes are coming from this URL, and when inspecting the “Show more notes” text, there’s an inline script to dynamically load the next notes via onclick.

if(window.tumblrNotesLoaded)if(tumblrNotesLoaded(notes_html)==false)return;var more_notes_link=document.getElementById('more_notes_737590887394263041');var notes=more_notes_link.parentNode;notes.removeChild(more_notes_link);notes.innerHTML+=notes_html;if(window.tumblrNotesInserted)tumblrNotesInserted(notes_html);}};tumblrReq.open('GET','/notes/737590887394263041/ValQ0Ka2H?from_c=1700827272',true);tumblrReq.send();return false;"

Current Code:



 <article class="posts__perma__tumblr" data-notes-url="{PostNotesURL}" id="notes">
     <!-- the notes will be dynamically inserted here -->
     <div class="posts__perma__tumblr"></div>


JS (so long…)

 document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function () {
 // Function to load the notes via AJAX
 // the URL comes from {PostNotesURL}
 // e.g https://fukuotest.tumblr.com/notes/737590887394263041/ValQ0Ka2H
 async function loadNotesViaAjax() {
     var nextNotesURL = document

     if (nextNotesURL) {
         try {
             var response = await fetch(nextNotesURL);
             if (response.status >= 200 && response.status < 300) {
                 var notesHtml = await response.text();
             } else {
                 console.error("Error loading more notes");
         } catch (error) {
             console.error("Fetch error:", error);

 // Function to handle the loading of new notes
 function tumblrNotesLoaded(notes_html) {
     const newNotesContainer = document.createElement("div");
     newNotesContainer.className = "posts__notes__temporary";
     newNotesContainer.innerHTML = notes_html;

     // Extract the notes and update the nextNotesURL for potential further loading
     let newNoteElements =
         newNotesContainer.querySelectorAll("ol.notes > li.note");

     // Append the new notes to their respective categories
     const reblogNotes = [];
     const likeNotes = [];
     const replyNotes = [];
     newNoteElements.forEach((noteElement) => {
         if (noteElement.classList.contains("reblog")) {
         } else if (noteElement.classList.contains("like")) {
         } else if (noteElement.classList.contains("reply")) {

     appendNewNotes("reblog", reblogNotes);
     appendNewNotes("like", likeNotes);
     appendNewNotes("reply", replyNotes);

 function appendNewNotes(category, newNotes) {
     const container = document.querySelector(`.posts__notes__${ category }`);
     newNotes.forEach((note) => {

 function separateNotesAndShow() {
     var reblogNotes = [];
     var likeNotes = [];
     var replyNotes = [];

     var noteElements = document.querySelectorAll("ol.notes > li.note");
     var noteContainer = document.querySelector("ol.notes");
     var noteLoads = document.createElement("div");
     noteLoads.className =
         "posts__notes__load flex flex--align-center flex--justify-center";

     var postsPerma = document.querySelector(".posts__perma__tumblr");

     noteElements.forEach(function (noteElement) {
         if (noteElement.classList.contains("reblog")) {
         } else if (noteElement.classList.contains("like")) {
         } else if (noteElement.classList.contains("reply")) {
         } else if (noteElement.classList.contains("more_notes_link_container")) {


     // Wrap the notes into a single container
     var notesContainer = document.createElement("div");
     notesContainer.className = "posts__notes__container";

     showNotes("reblog", reblogNotes, notesContainer);
     showNotes("like", likeNotes, notesContainer);
     showNotes("reply", replyNotes, notesContainer);


     // Show the reblog notes by default, and hide the others

 function createTabButtons() {
     var categories = ["reblog", "like", "reply"];
     var tabsContainer = document.createElement("div");

     tabsContainer.className = "posts__notes__button";

     categories.forEach(function (category) {
         var tabButton = document.createElement("button");
         var notesCount = document.querySelectorAll(
             ".posts__notes__" + category + " > li.note"

         var svgPath = getSVGPath(category);

         tabButton.innerHTML =
             ' <svg fill="currentColor" stroke="1" viewBox="0 0 20 18" width="18px" height="18px" class="margin--right-10">' +
             svgPath +
             '</svg> (' +
             notesCount +
             ') ' +

         tabButton.className =
             "posts__notes__button-tabs | posts__notes__button-" + category;
         tabButton.id = category + "-button";
         tabButton.addEventListener("click", function () {
             return showCategory(category);

     var postsPerma = document.querySelector(".posts__perma__tumblr");

     var reblogButton = document.getElementById("reblog-button");

 function showCategory(category) {
     var allContainers = document.querySelectorAll(
         ".posts__notes__container > div"
     allContainers.forEach(function (container) {
         container.style.display = "none";

     var allButtons = document.querySelectorAll(".posts__notes__button > button");
     allButtons.forEach(function (button) {

     var selectedContainer = document.querySelector(
         ".posts__notes__" + category
     selectedContainer.style.display = "block";

     var selectedButton = document.getElementById(category + "-button");

 function showNotes(category, notes, container) {
     var notesContainer = document.createElement("div");
     notesContainer.className = "posts__notes__" + category;
     notes.forEach(function (note) {

 function getSVGPath(category) {
     switch (category) {
     case "like":
         return 'M14.658 0c-1.625 0-3.21.767-4.463 2.156-.06.064-.127.138-.197.225-.074-.085-.137-.159-.196-.225C8.547.766 6.966 0 5.35 0 4.215 0 3.114.387 2.162 1.117c-2.773 2.13-2.611 5.89-1.017 8.5 2.158 3.535 6.556 7.18 7.416 7.875A2.3 2.3 0 0 0 9.998 18c.519 0 1.028-.18 1.436-.508.859-.695 5.257-4.34 7.416-7.875 1.595-2.616 1.765-6.376-1-8.5C16.895.387 15.792 0 14.657 0h.001zm0 2.124c.645 0 1.298.208 1.916.683 1.903 1.461 1.457 4.099.484 5.695-1.973 3.23-6.16 6.7-6.94 7.331a.191.191 0 0 1-.241 0c-.779-.631-4.966-4.101-6.94-7.332-.972-1.595-1.4-4.233.5-5.694.619-.475 1.27-.683 1.911-.683 1.064 0 2.095.574 2.898 1.461.495.549 1.658 2.082 1.753 2.203.095-.12 1.259-1.654 1.752-2.203.8-.887 1.842-1.461 2.908-1.461h-.001z';

     case "reblog":
         return 'M12.8.2c-.4-.4-.8-.2-.8.4v2H2c-2 0-2 2-2 2v5s0 1 1 1 1-1 1-1v-4c0-1 .5-1 1-1h9v2c0 . 3.6 12.8.2zM4.2 17.9c. 0 2-2 2-2v-5s0-1-1-1-1 1-1 1v4c0 1-.5 1-1 1H5v-2c0-.6-.3-.7-.8-.4L0 14.6l4.2 3.3z';

     case "reply":
         return 'M8.7 0C4.1 0 .4 3.7.4 8.3c0 1.2.2 2.3.7 3.4-.2.6-.4 1.5-.7 2.5L0 15.8c-.2.7.5 1.4 1.2 1.2l1.6-.4 2.4-.7c1.1.5 2.2.7 3.4.7 4.6 0 8.3-3.7 8.3-8.3C17 3.7 13.3 0 8.7 0zM15 8.3c0 3.5-2.8 6.3-6.4 6.3-1.2 0-2.3-.3-3.2-.9l- 3-6.2 6.5-6.2S15 4.8 15 8.3z';

         return '';

What I’ve Achieved So Far:
I’ve structured the HTML and JS to handle note separation and loading more notes via AJAX. You can find the demo in the provided test blog.


Any assistance would be greatly appreciated!

And I deeply apologize in advance if the question appears to be too complex as it’s my first time asking a question here!

Request for Help:
I’m looking for guidance on re-running the script for loading more notes and re-assigning them correctly. There is a similar question on 2012 Running a function when loading more notes in Tumblr but still have no idea how to append the new notes

  • An approach to dynamically load more new notes via AJAX
  • Able to implement the function without an issue