django web app accessed by multiple users

I’m trying to implement a web based quiz application

I’m currently using django and html / JavaScript – only running on localhost so far
(python runserver)

For one single user, the quiz is working fine, but multiple users are not able to play individually atm.

How do i handle concurrent access to the quiz? I considered using the request.session data structure but storing the complete quiz in there somehow feels wrong. And different users might play a totally different set of questions …

Somehow I’d like to start a new thread each time a user access the webpage and starts the quiz (like I’d do it in some offline application), but im not sure if this is the right approach for web dev.

I also read that this is maybe done by the real webserver, e.g. apache? Should I try to put the django app on apache?

Also considered docker and started a small tutorial this morning.

I can post some code ofc, or provide more implementation details if necessary but at the moment I need to get a basic understanding of web development best practices 😉


User A starts quiz and answers the first 5 questions.

User B starts quiz – it will start at question 6.
–> User B should start at question 1.

How can i isolate User A from User B?