Why do I get ‘ReferenceError: expression is not defined’? I use pegjs

Here is my language code.
I am a native Hispanic, so the labels and some parts are in Spanish, but the rest of the code, according to me, is in English.

What I want to do is create a function-oriented programming language in pegjs.

The language aims to create video game engines; graphics engines; web pages and video games.

I am creating the language as a personal challenge and also to have something to do

The error “ReferenceError: expression is not defined” indicates that you are trying to use the variable expression in a place where it is not defined or has not been previously declared in the code although, I have already tried to put it after having declared expression but it still does not work.

Help me please.

= variableLoc / variableVarion / variableConst / variableEntro / variableDal / variableTex / declaracionFunciones / llamarFuncion / login /ingre / ingreNum /ingretro / ingreDal

  declaracionFunciones =
  "func" space id:id "(" parameterList:parameterList? ")" "{" statement:statement* "}" {
    return { type: "declaracionFunciones", id, parameterList:parameterList || [], statement };

  llamarFuncion =
  id:id "(" parameterList:parameterList? ")" ";" {
    return { type: "llamarFuncion", id, parameterList: parameterList || [] };

  = "login" space "(" target:id "," value:expression "," optionalTarget:id? ")" ";" {
    return { type: "login", target, value, optionalTarget: optionalTarget || null };

  ingre = "ingre" space? "(" target:id ")" ";" {
  variable[target] = prompt(target);
  return { type: "ingre", target, value: variable[target] };

  ingreNum = "ingreNum" space? "(" target:id ")" ";" {
  Number.isFloat = Number.isFloat || function(value) {
  return typeof value === 'number' && 
    isFinite(value) &&
    Math.floor(value) !== value;
  let inputValue = prompt(target);
  let num = prompt(target);
  let parsedValue = Number(inputValue);
  if (Number.isInteger(parsedValue)) {
    variable[target] = parseInt(num);
  } else if (Number.isFloat(parsedValue)) {
    variable[target] = parseFloat(num);
  } else {
    try {
      throw new Error("Sintax error");
    } catch(error) {
  return { type: "ingreNum", target, value: variable[target] };

  ingretro = "ingretro" space? "("target:id")" ";" {
    variable[target] = parseInt(prompt(target));
    return { type: "ingretro", target, value: variable[target] };

  ingreDal = "ingreDal" space? "("target:id")" ";" {
  Number.isFloat = Number.isFloat || function(value) {
  return typeof value === 'number' && 
    isFinite(value) &&
    Math.floor(value) !== value;
    variable[target] = parseFloat(prompt(target));
    return { type: "ingretro", target, value: variable[target] };

  //DeclaraciĆ³n de variables
  variableLoc =
  "loc" space id:id (space? "=" space? expression:expression)? ";" {
    return { type: "variableLoc", id, expression:expression, isLocal: true };

  variableVarion =
  "varion" space id:id (space? "=" space? expression: expression)? ";" {
    return { type: "variableVarion", id, expression, isGlobal: true };

  variableConst = 
  "const" space id:id (space? "=" space? expression)? ";" {
    return { type: "variableConst", id, expression, isConstant: true, isLocal: true };

  variableTex =
  "tex" space id:id (space? "=" space? string:string)? ";" {
    return { type: "variableTex", id, string:string, isLocal: true};

  variableEntro =
  "entro" space id:id (space? "=" space? numberEntro:numberEntro)? ";" {
    return { type: "variableEntro", id, numberEntro:numberEntro, isLocal: true };

  variableDal =
  "dal" space id:id (space? "=" space? numberDal:numberDal)? ";" {
    return { type:"variableDal", id, numberDal:numberDal, isLocal: true };

  //Reglas de declaraciĆ³n de variable
  id = [a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]* {
  return text();

  expression = number / string / boolean / id

  number = integer / float / negativeInteger / negativeFloat / specialValue

  numberEntro = integer / negativeInteger

  numberDal = float / negativeFloat

  integer = [0-9]+ {
  return parseInt(text(), 10);

  float = [0-9]+ "." [0-9]+ {
  return parseFloat(text(), 10);

  negativeInteger = "-" integer {
  return -parseInt(text(), 10);

  negativeFloat = "-" float {
  return -parseFloat(text(), 10);

  specialValue = "NaN" {
    return { type: "specialValue", value: NaN };
  / "INF" {
    return { type: "specialValue", value: Infinity };
  / "-INF" {
    return { type: "specialValue", value: -Infinity };

  string = stringDouble / stringSingle / stringTemplate / stringTemplateContent

  stringDouble = '"' chars:stringContent* '"' {
  return chars.join('');

  stringSingle = "'" chars:(stringContent / "\'")* "'" {
  return chars.join('');

  stringTemplate = "`" chars:stringTemplateContent* "`" {
  return chars.join('');

  stringTemplateContent = "${" expression:expression "}" {
    return "${" + expression + "}";
  / [^$]+

  stringContent = [^"] / "\" . ;

  boolean = "true" / "false" {
    return text() === "true";

  //Reglas de funciones
  = parameter (space "," space parameter)*

  = expression:expression space id:id {
    return { type: "parameter", expression:expression, name: id };

  = "consola" ":" expression:expression ";" {
    return { type: "outputStatement", target: "consola", value: expression };
  / "documento" ":" expression:expression ";" {
    return { type: "outputStatement", target: "documento", value: expression };

  = outputStatement/ login / expression / assignment / returnStatement

  = id:id space "=" space expression:expression ";" {
  return { type: "assignment", variable: id, value: expression };

  = "regresa" space expression:expression ";" {
  return { type: "returnStatement", value: expression };

  //Reglas generales
  space = " "*

  variable = statement:statement {
  return { variables: {}, statement };

I was hoping to be able to do:

varion a;

a = 10;


ReferenceError: expression is not defined