Blazor components wont execute any on click event handler. Blazorise ui framework and Blazor server app

@inject IJSRuntime _runtime;

<Button Clicked="OnUniClick">
    <Figure Size="FigureSize.Is128x128" Rounded>
        <FigureImage Source="@Logo" AlternateText="@Name" />

    @code {

    public string Logo { get; set; }

    public string Name { get; set; }

    public async Task OnUniClick()
        await _runtime.InvokeVoidAsync("alert", "This is a test alert");

neither the Console.WriteLine or the alert execute when the button is clicked. This is my first time using blazor and I am just trying to get a javascript alert to pop up. I believe that I am following everything described in these three posts:

Im sure its some stupid thing that I am missing but if anyone could please help me out that would be very appreciated.