React native google sign in not working in release version on android

I have a react native expo project with react-native-google-signin module (and also with other modules) and I setup the way the documentations described. I made an OAuth client on google console and copied the SHA1 from the output of this command: keytool -list -v -keystore app/debug.keystore. I found this command from this article.

The app works when I run in development mode using my phone. I build the release using eas and it’s run perfectly on my phone but when I sent the release apk to my friend the google sign in appeared but not loged in even when he selected his own google account the sign in window just closed but no error appeared.

I don’t know what could be the problem because I followed the guide from here.

I also setup the firebase and added the google-services.json but it dind’t helped.