Can String.prototype.matchAll() return overlapping matches?

Is it possible to pass String.prototype.matchAll a regex that will return overlapping matches? Every idea I’ve come up with chooses one match when multiple could work:

function logMatches(str, re) {
  console.log(`"${str}".matchAll(/${re.source}/${re.flags}) = [`);
  [...str.matchAll(re)].map(matchProperties).forEach((props) => {
    console.log("t", props);

function matchProperties(match) {
  return "{ " + (Object.getOwnPropertyNames(match).map((propName) => {
    return propName + ": " + JSON.stringify(match[propName])
  }).join(", ")) + " }, // Note: this element is an Array";

logMatches("foo bar baz", /foo|baz/g); // no overlap expected
logMatches("foo bar baz", / .*/g);
logMatches("foo bar baz", /b.*/g);
logMatches("foo bar baz", /b.*?/g);  // no overlap expected
logMatches("foo bar baz", /ba.*$/g);
logMatches("foo bar baz", /ba| .* /g);

Here’s what I expected to see from that last example:

"foo bar baz".matchAll(/ba| .* /g) = [
     { 0: " bar ", length: 1, index: 3, input: "foo bar baz", groups: undefined }, // Note: this element is an Array
     { 0: "ba", length: 1, index: 4, input: "foo bar baz", groups: undefined }, // Note: this element is an Array
     { 0: "ba", length: 1, index: 8, input: "foo bar baz", groups: undefined }, // Note: this element is an Array

Is this the way matchAll works or does it have something to do with regular expressions in general? Or, and this might be more likely, is a bug in my example code?