$gte and $lte not working with node.js/mongoose

I am simply trying to count some documents. When using other parameters such as “type”: “someType”, I get the correct count. But when I use {"createdAt": {"$gte": "", "$lte": ""}} (with actual dates which are JS date objects) I get 0 as the count. Been at this for days now, and I can’t seems to find the solution…

I tried narrowing the case down to the smallest reproducable possible. Like so:

  const query = {
    createdAt: {"$gte": new Date("2023-11-01"), "$lte": new Date("2023-11-30")},

const result = await Entity.countDocuments(query)

This returns 0, even though I know for 100% that I have documents matching the critera, with e.g. “createdAt”: ‘2023-11-06T08:09:07.000Z’.

Trying the same countDocuments() function with other parameters returns correct number, for instance:

  const query = {
    tags: {"$nin":["false-positive", "out-of-scope"]},

const result = await Entity.countDocuments(query)

The above will return the correct number of documents which does not have these two strings in its “tags”-field.

I have also tried using the “$and” operator, like so:

  const testQuery = {
    $and: [{ createdAt: { $gte: new Date("2023-10-01") } }, { createdAt: { $lte: new Date("2023-11-31") } }],

But with no luck.

I have also tried logging out the query with the operators, and pasting it into MongoExpress “Advanced”-tab. This returns the correct documents, so the issue seems to be with Mongoose or Node.js.

I have no idea why it is not working with the “$gte” and “$lte”, please help.