How to remove whitespace of a substring

I am working on a functional programming exercise and I was asked to replace all whitespaces in the string with an hyphen. If I have a string like This is a title, the output should be this-is-a-title.

Now, all cases as described before work but I have an edge case string like this: Peter Is Coming. I would like to strip out the whitespace that is before the Coming so that my final output is peter-is-coming which would be the equivalent output for when I have an initial string of Peter is Coming with no redundant whitespace. I was able to do that of before Peter with ease using the trim method. How do I go about this edge case’s?

Note: One of the constraints is that there shouldn’t be the use of the replace method.


My code:

function urlSlug(title) {

  const url = title.trim().toLowerCase();

  const splitURL = url.split("");
  // console.log(splitURL);

  const urlArr = [];

  const filtered = splitURL.filter(val => {
    if (/s/.test(val)) {
    else {

  return console.log(urlArr.join(""));


urlSlug("A Mind Needs Books Like A Sword Needs A Whetstone"); // a-mind-needs-books-like-a-sword-needs-a-whetstone
urlSlug("Hold The Door"); // hold-the-door 
urlSlug(" Peter is  Coming"); // peter-is--coming 

// The last output is what I get but not what I want to achieve.