i don’t know where is the problem but on console says this error:
THREE.PlaneBufferGeometry is not a constructor
thats the code
function particleSetup() {
let loader = new THREE.TextureLoader() ;
loader. load("smoke.png", function (texture){
portalGeo = new THREE.PlaneBufferGeometry(350, 350);
portalMaterial = new THREE.MeshStandardMaterial({
map: texture,
transparent: true
smokeGeo = new THREE.PlaneBufferGeometry(1000,1000);
smokeMaterial = new THREE.MeshStandardMaterial ({
map: texture,
transparent: true
for (let p=880;p>250;p--) {
let particle = new THREE.Mesh(portalGeo,portalMaterial);
particle.position.set (
0.5 * p * Math.cos ( (4 * p * Math.PI) / 180),
0.5 * p * Math.sin ( (4 * p * Math.PI) / 180),
0.1 * p
particle.rotation.z = Math.random() *360;
for (let p=0;p<40;p++) {
let particle = new THREE.Mesh (smokeGeo, smokeMaterial);
particle.position.set (
Math.random () * 1000-500,
Math.random () * 400-200,
particle.rotation.z = Math.random () *360;
particle.material.opacity = 0.6;
portalParticles.push (particle);
scene.add (particle);
clock = new THREE.Clock ();
animate ( );
These are my first tests with three.js, I’ve searched everywhere but I don’t understand the problem, i think is something with PlaneBufferGeometry