Apprentice man arrested for fraud

Christopher FarrellChristopher Farrell did not tell producers about his court case, it has been claimed

One of the contestants in BBC business talent show The Apprentice has a weapons conviction, it has emerged.

Mortgage broker Christopher Farrell, 29, from King’s Tamerton in Plymouth, was given a conditional discharge at Plymouth Crown Court in September 2009.

The former Royal Marine admitted two charges of possessing offensive weapons – a knuckleduster and a baton.

The show’s producers said a criminal records check in late August 2009 had revealed nothing of the case.

The weapons were found by police officers during a search of Mr Farrell’s car.

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Mr Farrell was ordered to pay £847 costs and the weapons were destroyed, the court confirmed.

Mr Farrell, who is due to appear in the new series of The Apprentice next week, says on the BBC show’s website that he is not afraid to give people a “kick up the backside”.

He adds: “I’ve been to the other side of things where friends lose legs, lose limbs, so I know I’m lucky to be where I am.

“I was a sniper in the Royal Marines and I take that killer instinct across into business.”

Talkback Thames, which makes The Apprentice for the BBC, said Mr Farrell had not brought the case to its attention.

The company said: “We carried out police CRB checks on all candidates during The Apprentice application process in common with standard television industry practice.

“The CRB checks, which were conducted in late August 2009, revealed no irregularities for any of the candidates for the upcoming series.

“Candidates are asked to disclose any criminal convictions as part of their application.”

A BBC spokesman said: “Talkback Thames’ selection process is in line with the BBC’s policy to make appropriate checks on all contributors and contestants.

“The BBC asks for any information relevant, including criminal convictions, and makes a case-by-case judgment based on the information provided, the nature of the given programme and the nature of the information divulged.”

Mr Farrell was unavailable for comment.

This article is from the BBC News website. © British Broadcasting Corporation, The BBC is not responsible for the content of external internet sites.

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