Ebook Writer Money Niche

Ebook Writer Money Niche
I’m in search of a ebook writer / product maker for a product in the internet marketing /make money – niche.

I’m open to suggestions in this area, it can be an ebook, a script, sofware.

The most important thing is that this product/ebook must provide valuable and helpful info in the niche. This is a niche with VERY high competition, so this must have an angle/approach that is unique and extremely helpful for those who want to make money online. Proven and tested to work.

I will need details in your bids, about how you’re planning to do this, and if you have any ideas.

It’s a quite clear task:

The product must be easy to follow and implement for newbies.
The product must be of value with working methods.
It must be setup as a step by step guide.

If it’s a piece of software, it needs to have features that is highly sought after in this market, easy to use, produces what it promises.



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