resetting v-model of child component

In my parent component I have something similar to this,

    <ProductCounter v-model="formData.productCount" label="product count" />

<script setup>

const initialFormData = {
    productCount: null,
    firstname: '',
    surname: '',
    phone: '',
    email: '',
    postcode: '',
    submittedOnce: false,
    errors: []

let formData = reactive({ ...initialFormData });

const clearUI = () => {
    formData = reactive({ ...initialFormData });
    triggerInlineForm.value = false;


My child component looks like this,

    <div class="form__row" @reset-counts="resetCount">
        <div class="counter__row">
            <label>{{ label }}</label>
            <div class="form__counter">
                <button class="form__button--decrease form__button--circle form__button--animate-scale" :disabled="value == 0 || props.disabled" @click.prevent="decreaseCount()">
                        <FontAwesomeIcon :icon="['fal', 'minus']" />
                <input type="text" v-model="value" :disabled="props.disabled" @input="updateQty" placeholder="0"/>
                <button class="form__button--increase form__button--circle form__button--animate-scale" :disabled="props.disabled" @click.prevent="increaseCount()">
                        <FontAwesomeIcon :icon="['fal', 'plus']" />

<script setup>
import { FontAwesomeIcon } from '@fortawesome/vue-fontawesome';

const emits = defineEmits(['update:modelValue', 'resetCounts']);

const props = defineProps({
    label: {
        type: String,
        required: true
    modelValue: {
        type: String,
        required: true,
        default: 0
    disabled: {
        type: Boolean,
        required: false

const value = ref(props.modelValue);

const updateQty = () => {
    emits('update:modelValue', value.value)

const increaseCount = () => {
    emits('update:modelValue', value.value)

const decreaseCount = () => {
    emits('update:modelValue', value.value)


I would expect that when clearUI is fired from the parent, and formData gets reset the v-model of ProductCounter should reflect that go back to 0 but it does not, where am I going wrong?