Why is my image not loading with Web Pack?

I am trying to make a webpage with web pack. It is time to add images on my website and I am not able to. The point of the exercise is to make a website with webpack and not hardcode any of the HTML. The code is pretty brief so I will post it here.


import './style.css';
   import { content } from './loadUp';


export {content}

function content() {
    let myIcon = "<img src='src/icon.jpg></img>"
    let content = "<h1 class='header'>Restaurant Tucker</h1>";
    let navBar = "<nav class='tabs-items'><ul class='tabs'>Lunch</ul><ul class='tabs'>Dinner</ul><ul class='tabs'>Contact Us<ul></nav>";

    $("#heading").append(content, navBar, myIcon)
    return {content, navBar, myIcon}

I followed all the directions on the webpack documentation to load images in but I am not quite sure what I am missing. That you for the help.