Javascript: How to use spread operator for instance of class?

In Javascript,I want to use a spread operator in a class, but I get TypeError: this.deck is not iterable.

Off screen, I have a Card class, and a Deck52 class.

The Deck52 class constructor has this.deck = []; this.createDeck(); the this.createDeck uses this.createDeck.push with some loops and variables to put 52 Card instances in the Deck52 this.deck. That seems to work all right, as far as I can tell.

The problem is –

In below, I have a BigDeck class.

class BigDeck() {
  constructor(decksUsed = 6) {
    this.decksUsed = decksUsed;
    this.deck = [];
  createDeck() {
    for (let i = 0; i < this.decksUsed; i++) {
      const newDeck = new Deck52();
      this.deck = [...this.deck, ...newDeck.getDeck())] // this line is a problem.

When I try to do this, I get “TypeError: this.deck is not iterable”.

I got a similar message when trying to use newDeck.deck, so I put added getDeck() to Deck52. This seems to work all right; newDeck is an instance of Deck52 and newDeck.getDeck() functionally returns an array.


In BigDeck, when I try to use this.deck, I get the message this.deck is not iterable. Which, I think “this” is a keyword or some such, anyways though I have this.deck = [] in constructor, typeof(this.deck) is undefined (tested with console.log).


Eventually, pass arguments into BigDeck, and based on those arguments add different decks to BigDeck’s this.deck array. But apparently I can’t use the spread operator, and I don’t think I can use the spread operator in a setter method either, as fundamentally this.deck doesn’t have array properties.

I think I can maybe do something with [Symbol.iterator], but I don’t know the syntax, and can’t figure out how to add it from mdn documentation.

Thanks for any answers!