Fast Handbags Header Image

Fast Handbags Header Image
To Whom It May Concern,

We are a company currently looking for a provider to help us design a header for our “Oversized Handbags Direct” site. The site isn’t up yet but I attached our site in a zip to this message. We want it to fit the brand of the site. Please use images from the site as well as incorporate a header bar to include the following:

Home | Contact Us | Blog | Sitemap

We also need this done within a few hours so pleae don’t bid if you can’t do it in time. We also expect that you will respond promptly after being emailed. We do not accept providers that do not have exceptional communication skills and or do not return emails very quickly.

Please respond to this post if you feel you can do an excellent job for us. We look forward to hearing from you soon. Thanks.


Jon and Gaurav

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