This is my function which gets called when a delete button is clicked. The problem here is, inside the if and else part I am adding an event listener and also removing an event listener but the events only get added and not removed and when I click on the button again, it calls those function more than once and that count keeps increasing as the events dont get removed.
export const deleteButtonHandler = () => {
const deleteButton = document.getElementById('deleteButton');
const editButtons = document.querySelectorAll('.editIcon');
const isDeleteMode = deleteButton.dataset.deleteMode === 'true';
if (isDeleteMode) {
editButtons.forEach((editButton) => {
editButton.innerHTML = '<img src="some link to a picture" width="15" height="15">';
const tagContainer = editButton.parentNode.parentNode;
const tagText = tagContainer.querySelector('.tagText');
editButton.removeEventListener('click', () => removeTag(tagText.textContent, tagContainer));
editButton.addEventListener('click', () => handleTagEdit(tagText));
deleteButton.textContent = 'Delete Tag';
deleteButton.dataset.deleteMode = 'false'
} else {
editButtons.forEach((editButton) => {
const editIcon = document.createElement('img');
editIcon.src = "some link to a picture";
editIcon.width = "15";
editIcon.height = "15";
editButton.innerHTML = '';
const tagContainer = editButton.parentNode.parentNode;
const tagText = tagContainer.querySelector('.tagText');
editButton.removeEventListener('click', () => handleTagEdit(tagText));
editButton.addEventListener('click', () => removeTag(tagText.textContent, tagContainer));
deleteButton.textContent = 'Cancel';
deleteButton.dataset.deleteMode = 'true';
and the if-else part works perfectly I checked it, with each click it alternates with if and else block of code.