JS events required to type any letter in google search bar

I want to create a test script which types letter h and it should show suggestions. But below code is doing nothing
I am trying this

// Find the search box element
let searchBox = document.querySelector(‘input[name=”q”]’);

// Create a KeyboardEvent for “keydown” event
let keyDownEvent = new KeyboardEvent(‘keydown’, {
key: ‘h’,
code: ‘KeyH’,
keyCode: 72,
view: window,
bubbles: true

// Dispatch the “keydown” event

// Create a KeyboardEvent for “keyup” event
let keyUpEvent = new KeyboardEvent(‘keyup’, {
key: ‘h’,
code: ‘KeyH’,
keyCode: 72,
view: window,
bubbles: true

// Dispatch the “keyup” event

Can you suggest if I am missing any other events or anything is wrong here.
I am using Chrome console to run this and getting true as response.

I found what events are hitting when we type any letter events are keyDown, KeyPress, inputTest, input & keyUp.

I tried all in once script & keyDown & keyUp as well. but Nothing worked