When I try to use this moment for a date having an issue with IOS it’s not getting reflected as expected, but on Desktop and Android the date is displayed only in IOS its showing as “Invalid date”, so please help me to solve this issue ASAP, Thanks in Advance
{(this.state.apidata.length > 0 ? (this.state.apidata[0].startdate ? moment(this.state.apidata[0].startdate).locale((this.state.Language === ‘English’ ? ‘en’ : ‘ar’)).format(“MMM YYYY”) : moment(this.state.projectData.ProjectStartDate).locale((this.state.Language === ‘English’ ? ‘en’ : ‘ar’)).format(“MMM YYYY”)) : moment(this.state.projectData.ProjectStartDate).locale((this.state.Language === ‘English’ ? ‘en’ : ‘ar’)).format(“MMM YYYY”))}
Tried with _monthsShort but it’s raising an error