I have a program that is based on R software to get a glicko analysis.
The program requires some packages like RPostgres
and stringr
to manage the database connection, and also dbplyr
, tidyverse
, playerRatings
, ggplot2
, GGally
I am trying to migrate this kind of program over to a JavaScript-based one like Vue or React using highcharts.
It is my first time touching R software, so I am feeling very difficult to read the lines.
I don’t feel any difficulties with DB management or SQL queries used in the R program, but the most difficult thing is to read R software libraries and the functions.
tmp <- glicko2(subdat %>%
filter(class == "5th") %>%
status = questions %>% rename(Player = Question))$ratings %>%
select(Player,Rating,Deviation,Volatility) %>%
filter(str_starts(Player,"p_")) %>%
rename(Person = Player)
Is there any way to integrate the R software directly in an SPA without updating the code or how can I migrate it over to SPA easily?