Issue resolving javascript export modules

I am using the latest preact, but it looks like a webpack issue to me.
Let’s say my folder structure is:

  • app
    • foo
      • index.js
    • app.js
  • bar
    • baz
      • index.js


import { foo } from './foo'
import { baz } from '../bar/baz'


const foo = () => { ... }
export { foo }


const baz = () => { ... }
export { baz }

It fails to bundle with a warning “export ‘baz’ was not found in ../bar/baz

But, if I make it a default export like


const baz = () => { ... }
export default baz

and update app.js to


import { foo } from './foo'
import baz from '../bar/baz'

everything works fine

Just wondering how is it possible that “local” directory reference resolves fine, but level up – can’t be resolved in a list export.