calibrating Google map

Android 11 and 12.
Google map compass calibration screen — intent ?. Here is the Google map AndroidManifest file.

I live in a rugged area with a lot of trees and mountains that screw up my google map compass. And I have to re-calibrate the phone compass to get it back on track. The problem is that there is no button to start this, except make a figure eight in the air, and that should calibrate the compass. This works poorly and I can struggle with this for 10 minutes before the calibration appears, see picture.

But since the feature is in the Google map app, shouldn’t it be possible to link to that feature directly from Tasker ??? and create a link or a button via a scene. So I can start that function manually?.How do I go about accomplishing this?. explain so that I, as a beginner, understand 🙂