How do I prevent a form from submitting and display a message if the email and password don’t match?

if(isset($_POST["button"])) {
    $email = $_POST["email"];
    $lozinka = $_POST["lozinka"];

    $korisnik = new Korisnik(1, "", "", $email, $lozinka);
    $odgovor = Korisnik::prijava($email, $konekcija);
    $rez = $odgovor->fetch_array(MYSQLI_ASSOC); 
    $lozinka = $rez["lozinka"] ?? " ";
    $korisnikID = $rez["korisnikID"] ?? " ";
    $greska = 0;

    if (!password_verify($_POST["lozinka"], $lozinka)) {
        $greska = 1;
    } else {
        $_SESSION["korisnik"] = $korisnikID;
        setcookie("korisnik", $korisnikID, time() + 60*60*60);
        header("Location: glavna.php");



        <form class="container" method="post" action="" id="forma" enctype="multipart/form-data" novalidate>      
            <input type="email" name="email" id="email" class="input" placeholder="Email" required>

            <input type="password" name="lozinka" id="lozinka" class="input" placeholder="Šifra" required>

            <div id="nepoklapase" <?php if ($greska == 1) {?> style="display:flex" <?php } else { ?> style = "display:none" <?php } ?> >
                <h5 class="crvena">Podaci se ne poklapaju</h5>

                <button class="button" name="button" id="button" type="submit">Prijavi se</button>

    [getDocumentById code]
    (event) => {
        email.classList.toggle('error', !email.validity.valid);
        lozinka.classList.toggle('error', !lozinka.validity.valid);
        faliemail.classList.toggle('promeni', !email.validity.valid);
        falilozinka.classList.toggle('promeni', !lozinka.validity.valid);



      <?php if ($greska == 1) { ?>
       $greska == 0;
       } ?>



I’m trying to set the value of greska to 1 when the email and password of the user don’t match so that the nepoklapase div becomes displayed with the proper message and the form stops from submitting. With the code I have the form keeps submitting and the message stays displayed.

I sort of get what the problem with displaying the message is, the value doesn’t reset and I think I can solve that later, but I can’t get the form to stop submitting. How do I do that?