How do I create multiple radial pie graphs on a single SVG using D3.js

I am currently trying to recreate a radial bracket for the 2023 NHL playoffs, the final design would look something like this NHL Radial Bracket.

I currently have the outermost ring completed for this but am unsure and currently unable to figure out a way to implement more radial rings past the first one I’ve made.

The code so far:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang = "en">
      <script src=""></script>      
        .wedge:hover {
          stroke-width: 15;
            //creating the size of SVG area
            var svg ="body")
                        .attr("width", 1200)
                        .attr("height", 800)
                        .style("border", "1px solid black");
            //moving svg area to center of page
              .attr("transform", "translate(500,350)");
                //creating segments for the annulus/pie graph
                var playoffRoundOne = d3.pie()
                .startAngle(Math.PI / 4)
                .endAngle(Math.PI * 3)
                .value((d) => d.wins)
                .sort(function (a, b) {
                    return b.value > a.value;

                //dataset for playoff team, includes team name, team wins, and team logo
                var data = playoffRoundOne([{...}]);

                var colorScaleFill = d3.scaleOrdinal()
                                    .domain(["avalanche", "kraken", "stars", "wild", "knights", 
                                             "jets", "oilers", "kings", "bruins", "panthers", 
                                             "leafs", "lightning", "canes", "islanders", "devils", 
                                    .range(["#6F263D", "#99D9D9", "#006847", "#154734", "#B4975A", 
                                            "#041E42", "#FF4C00", "#A2AAAD", "#FFB81C", "#B9975B", 
                                            "#00205B", "#FFFFFF", "#CE1126", "#F47D30", "#CE1126", "#0038A8"]);
                //creating circles
                var arcGen = d3.arc()

                  "svg g")
                              .attr("d", arcGen)
                              .attr("stroke", (d) => colorScaleFill((d)))
                              .attr("stroke-linejoin", "round")
                              .attr("stroke-width", 3)
                              .attr("fill", (d) => colorScaleFill((d)))

                  var imgs = svg.selectAll("image").data(data);
                                .attr("xlink:href", (d)=>(
                                .attr("width", "30")
                                .attr("height", "40")
                                .attr("x", d => d3.pointRadial((d.startAngle + d.endAngle  - 0.02)/2 , (270))[0])
                                .attr("y", d => d3.pointRadial((d.startAngle + d.endAngle  - 0.02)/2 , (540)/2)[1])
                                .attr("transform","translate(488,330) rotate(1.2)");