React pass component by props’s callback get error class constructors must be invoked with ‘new’

I have a simple page developed using React, the page has a Menu component which has a callback as props (targetPage), when the callback starts, a component is received and then it will be to insert into the page.

But this procedure fails, giving this error,

class constructors must be invoked with 'new'

this is source code

main app

import React, {useState} from 'react';
function App() {
    const [currentPage, setCurrentPage] = useState<any>();
    return (
        <div className="App">
                    targetPage={ (page: any) => {
                        setCurrentPage( page );
                <div id={'target-page'}>
                    { !!currentPage ? currentPage : (<img src={'https://localhost/logo'} /) }
export default App;

menu component

import pageComponent from '.';
export const Menu = (props:{targetPage:any}) => (
        onClick={ clickEvent => {
            props.targetPage( pageComponent );


import React from 'react';
export default class pageComponent extends React.Component<any, any> {
    state = {}
    constructor(props: any) {
        super( props );
    render() {
        let content = (
        return content;

how can I does it get a component from a callback passed as porps?