React JS: Why arrow function is not needed for submit event handler

I am currently working on a Youtube tutorial of react todo list by web dev simplifed
source codes

In the NewToForm.jsx form, there is a form with onSubmit handler

<form onSubmit={handleSubmit} className="new-item-form">
      <div className="form-row">
        <label htmlFor="item">New Item</label>
          onChange={e => setNewItem(}
      <button className="btn">Add</button>
function handleSubmit(e) {
if (newItem === "") return



In the code, the value of onSubmit equals handleSubmit, which is a function that changes value of some states.

But as I know, an arrow function is needed to wrap the event handler, otherwise react keeps re-render for infinite number of times.

Why it is necessary to use Arrow functions with React Event handler | by kirill ibrahim | Dev Genius

So I want to ask why the event handler of submit is different from those of click and change? Is there any special about the handleSubmit function? Thank you!