How we can set multiple backgroud images in PDF with the jspdf?

I’m trying to set dynamic background images using the npm jspdf package. it’s working for me all things but I can’t set the dynamic background. I am trying to this way

import { jsPDF } from "jspdf"
const GanetatePdf = async(name="test.pdf",html) => {
    let pdf = new jsPDF('p', 'pt', 'a4');
    let pWidth = pdf.internal.pageSize.width; // 595.28 is the width of a4
    let srcWidth = html.scrollWidth;
    let margin = 10 // narrow margin - 1.27 cm (36);
    let scale = (pWidth - margin * 2) / srcWidth;

    pdf.html(html, {
        x: margin,
        y: margin,
        html2canvas: {
            scale: scale,
            allowTaint: true,
            backgroundColor: 'white'
        callback: async function (doc) {
            let pageInfo = doc.internal.getCurrentPageInfo();
            let totalPages =  doc.internal.getNumberOfPages();
            if(totalPages > 0 && totalPages > pageInfo.pageNumber){
              for(let p=totalPages;p>pageInfo.pageNumber;p--){
        margin :[20, 0, 20, 0]

   const html = (<div className='row mb-5 p-3 background-image' 
   style={{ backgroundImage: `url('')`, "background-repeat": "repeat-y" }}>
Hello World</div>)

Using this script I am able to create the pdf with images but the background images are not loaded.