i have a very large horizontal relative carousel, and normally i handle changing images by clicking on buttons which works perfectly fine, but everything is also scrollable overflow: auto
, however, with scrollbar hidden.
I added some touchEvents for mobile and my goal is to make touching behave same as button clicks. And they work fine, but my problem is that im also using scroll-snap-type: x mandatory
, and i feel like it need less than 100px to move to another image. Sometimes it prevents my handleNext()
or handlePrev()
from firing. I don’t want to lower it less than 100px
my react component:
function handleTouchEnd() {
if (touchStart && touchEnd) {
if (touchStart - touchEnd > 100) {
handleNext() // moves to right image
} else if (touchStart - touchEnd < -100) {
handlePrev() // moves to left image
return (
<div className={s.pageWrapper}>
onTouchStart={(e) => setTouchStart(e.targetTouches[0].clientX)}
onTouchMove={(e) => setTouchEnd(e.targetTouches[0].clientX)}