Core questions about CSR/SSR and dynamic/pre-rendering SPA webpages

I want to rebuild our webpage and I am unsure whether I should build our webpage as a Vue.js SPA webpage or a Nuxt.js SSR webpage. Our webpage is basically a forum where people can post deals they found on the internet and discuss them. Therefore, I would guess SEO is critical for us.

I do know that webpages which are written in JavaScript and rely on client-side rendering, such as SPA webpages, are harder to be crawled and indexed by Google and some search engines cannot even crawl/understand JavaScript webpages.

However, the user experience is a lot better when it comes to SPA webpages. Just take your smartphone and visit the mobile version of It’s insanely smooth and really feels like a native app.

What I want to know and what I do not understand so far is the following:

  1. There is an option called pre-rendering. This technic allows us to create an SPA webpage but the Googlebot or any other crawling bot of a search engine will get delivered a static HTML version of our SPA webpage. Therefore, the bot has is much easier to read and understand the content of our webpage. There is a service called which can do exactly this for me. However, it’s a paid service and it’s quite expensive.
    I also came across some plugins for Vue.js such as rendora and prerender-spa-plugin. Sadly, the prerender-spa-plugin is deprecated, it has not been updated in years and I haven’t found a newer supported version. However, the question is, is pre-rendering even an option as we have quite a dynamic webpage which gets added new pages (deals) continuously? I have read, that pre-rendering is not really scalable.

  2. Can I use an SPA which makes use of SSR as well or not? I am a bit confused and I am unsure whether it is possible to do that.

  3. Are there any other alternatives to or plugins like rendora or prerender-spa-plugin for achieving SEO-friendly rendering of an SPA webpage?

Kind regards