Conditional rendering not working properly in Vue 2 app

I have an issue with the following Vue component where upon logout the signedIn data is being remove from the localStorage before the login component loads but the UI of the main app still shows.

  <v-app id="awp"">
    <template v-if="!signedIn">
    <template v-if="signedIn">
     .. App UI template is here

The issue is, when the logout of the main UI is clicked, the user is removed from local storage successfully before the login component is created but the login form component still loads inside the main app UI despite the conditional v-if="signedIn".

There is a module to handle users which is correctly updating the user signedIn status, so it doesn’t seem like that is the problem. That is when I check the local storage the user is entirely removed before the login form created hook is triggered.

If anyone has any ideas why the main app UI is not being hidden even after the signedIn will return false I’d appreciate the help.