how to refresh a function every 5 seconds in react when I am using the function inside a map function and parsing data from it

I need to refresh this function every 5 seconds and I am calling this function inside a map function.

I tried using setIntervel function to refresh the function every 5 seconds but it wosn’t successful because when I do that the variable are not been updated dynamically.

This the function

    let borderColor

    const changeBorderColor = (item) => {
        const today = new Date();
        const currentDate = format(today, 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss');
        const redDate = format(new Date(item?.red_time || null), 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss')
        const amberDate = format(new Date(item?.amber_time || null), 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss')

        if(currentDate > redDate){
            borderColor = "order-list-right order-list-left-red"
        } else if (currentDate >= amberDate && currentDate < redDate){
            borderColor = "order-list-right order-list-left-amber"

        } else {
            borderColor = "order-list-right order-list-left-green"

this is where I call the function

{orderData?.data?.map((item) => {
      setInterval(() => changeBorderColor(item), 5000)
      return (
            onClick={() => orderItems(item)}

I am trying to change the borderColor variable every 5 seconds using this but I am unable to achieve this.