I have a reducer which keeps track of a list of files and images and upload progress like so:
const [uploads, dispatch] = useReducer(reducer, {
inDropZone: false,
files: [],
progress: [],
images: [],
uploadType: null,
uploadId: null,
The way I display the files is using map:
{ uploads.files.map((file,index) => {
return (
handleDeleteObject={(e) => handleDeleteObject(file, e)}
In handleDeleteObject
I call the reducer to delete the object, which successfully removes it from the array:
(In the reducer):
let fileToRemove = action.file
let reducerRemoveFiles = {
files: state.files.filter((f) => f.name !== fileToRemove.name),
images: state.images.filter((i) => i.filename !== fileToRemove.name),
progress: state.progress.filter((p) => p.filename !== fileToRemove.name),
return { ...state, files: reducerRemoveFiles.files.slice(0,maxFiles), images: reducerRemoveFiles.images.slice(0,maxFiles), progress: reducerRemoveFiles.progress.slice(0,maxFiles) }
However the item still remains on the page. I’ve tried removing the element by ID and I am not managing to do so, but shouldnt the FileUploadImagePreview component be removed automatically when the recuder array changes? I do have a useEffect in use on this page, in case that is interfering at all:
useEffect(() => {
if(uploads.files.length) handleUploadFiles()
}, [uploads.files])
I just want the component to be removed when I click the delete button inside it.