How can I make this code wait in the catch block until the user enter his information

I have this React code and I am using axios to handle the request for me
If GET post throw an error this mean that the user doesn’t have an account and the system will desplay first and last name feild for the user to enter the information.

const handleSubmit = async (e) => {

        // post email to the database if it is not already in the database'/login', {
            email: email,
            password: password
            .then((response) => {
            .catch((error) => {

                // This function will desplay the first name and last name field for the user because the user does not have an account yest

                // if the user enter the fisrt name and last name then post the data to the database
      '/signup', {
                    email: { email },
                    password: { password },
                    first_name: { firstName },
                    last_name: { lastName }
                    .then((response) => {
            .finally(function () {
                const accessToken = response?.data?.accessToken;
                setAuth({ email, password, accessToken });
                console.log("access token: ", accessToken);

How can I modefy the code to stop in the catch block and wait foe the user to enter the first and last name, then continue for the SignUp request located in the catch block.