ascx User controls form is is not editable for some inputs, so need to hide instructions if so

I am working from a legacy code base where there are forms with controls distributed in ascx files for an application.

The forms will load data from the database, and for some specific cases the form is greyed out (not editable) including controls such as multiple checkboxes.

Example code is:

   <p style="border-width:3px; border-style:solid; border-color:#0000FF; padding: 1em;"> Select all groups(s) that apply or select not applicable.</p>
   <%=OurInputHelpers.MultipleCheckBoxes(true, "Group", Model.GetIdsNamesList_SelectedGroups(), "Group", null)%>

However, I cannot find the exact mechanism for the controls being greyed out, so the posted code would only be partially helpful.

GOAL: I would like to conditionally hide instructions to the user when the controls (such as multiple-check-boxes) are greyed out.