I have a list of products, with quantity, price and checkbox next to each picture and name of product, like below:
<div class="grid grid-cols-4 justify-items-center p-2" v-for="(product, index) in productsstore.Livres">
<div class="flex items-center justify-start gap-4">
<img class="w-16 p-0" :src="product.image_livre" />
<p class="text-xl font-semibold">{{ product.nom }}</p>
<div class="flex items-center">
<button @click="decrement(index)" class="border border-gray-400 px-2 py-1 rounded-l">
<input v-model="count[index]" class="border border-gray-400 text-center w-8 bg-transparent" />
<button @click="increment(index)" class="border border-gray-400 px-2 py-1 rounded-r">
<div class="flex items-center gap-4">
<input type="checkbox" @click="updateChecked(index)" :checked="isChecked(index)" class="scale-150">
<span class="font-semibold">{{ calculateprice(product.prix, count[index]) }}</span>
I have an add to cart button at the bottom, and a totalprice label that calculates only the checked products prices, and I want to add the checked products only to cart taking in consideration the quantity and the price, I can’t seem to find any way, I tried to add an add to cart button next to each product, it worked but it’s not really what I want.
here’s my script for the functions I’m using:
const productsstore = useProductsStore()
const cartstore = useCartStore()
const count = ref(Array(productsstore.Livres.length).fill(1))
const checked = ref(Array(productsstore.Livres.length).fill(true))
function getcheckedd(){
const names = checkedproducts.value
console.log("this is it:"+ names)
function increment(index) {
function decrement(index) {
if (count.value[index] > 1) {
function calculateprice(productprice, qty) {
return (productprice * qty).toFixed(2)
const updateChecked = (index) => {
checked.value[index] = !checked.value[index]
const isChecked = (index) => {
return checked.value[index]
const checkedTotal = computed(() => {
let total = 0;
for (let i = 0; i < checked.value.length; i++) {
if (isChecked(i)) {
total += parseFloat(calculateprice(productsstore.Livres[i].prix, count.value[i]));
return total.toFixed(2);
I would appreciate any help as I’m really new to vue.js, that’s my actual first project.