Grid.js from HTML Table with RowSelection

I would like to use Grid JS with a HTML table that is already rendered. I would also like to utilize the RowSelection Plugin. How can I do both.

Here is the code I would like to execute.

const grid = new Grid({
            sort: true,
            from: this.tableTarget,
                    id: 'selectRow',
                    name:  html( '<input type="checkbox" name="custom_toggle" class="mx-auto w-100" data-action="click->web--tenant--grid#toggleSelectAll" />' ),
                    width: "95px",
                    sort: false, 
                    plugin: {
                        component: RowSelection,
            resizable: true,
            className: {
                table: 'table table-striped'
            style: {
                table: {"white-space": "nowrap"},
            autoWidth: true