wait for callback function to be completed before proceeding to next line javascript [duplicate]

I am trying to optimize an existing javascript code and finding it hard with callback methods. This is pure javascript and no jQuery, Ajax call, or other frameworks involved.

Here is the issue

function A() {
  // getSomeData is a method which takes parameter and a callback
  getSomeData(params, function(details) { 
    // a lot of code in this callback

The getSomeData is being used in many places and passing a different callback at each usage. Trying to optimize and want to use a common method as below but unable to. I like the async/await approach if possible, else Promise

functionB(keys) {
    getSomeData(keys, function(details) {
        // move some common code to callback and update some global vars

functionA() {
  // some code block-a
  console.log(global.x); // this global.x is populated in callback of getSomeData
  // some code block-b

How ever in the above code, when the functionB is called and without waiting for callback to be completed, the console.log(global.x) is printed as empty/null/undefined since javascript is async.

How to achieve this to be synchronous

I tried defining functionB to be async as below but did not work

async functionB(keys) {
    await getSomeData(keys, function(details) {
        // move some common code to callback and update some global vars

PS: getSomeData(params, callback) cannot be modified as it is out of control