how to combine all data in separated session storage?

Is it possible to combine all session storage into one?

I have these three arrays which I pushing into storage because I will access them later.

The reason why I’m doing this is that the array I need is on a separated page. So I can’t combine the array before pushing it into storage.

Here’s what i have tried.

function FnOne() {
    let arrayInFnOne = [
        'id': 1,
        'Choices': 'Cheeta'
        'id': 2,
        'Choices': 'Eagle'
        'id': 3,
        'Choices': 'Elephant'
        'id': 4,
        'Choices': 'Duck'
        'id': 5,
        'Choices': 'Deer'
   let FNDataOne = sessionStorage.setItem('FNoneData', JSON.stringify(arrayInFnOne));

function FnTwo(){
  let arrayInFnTwo = [
          'id': 6,
          'Choices': 'Eggplant'
          'id': 7,
          'Choices': 'Tomato'
          'id': 8,
          'Choices': 'Potato'
          'id': 9,
          'Choices': 'String beans'
          'id': 10,
          'Choices': 'Squash'
     let FNDataTwo = sessionStorage.setItem('FNtwoData', JSON.stringify(arrayInFnTwo));

function FnThree(){
let arrayInFnThree = [
          'id': 11,
          'Choices': 'Paper'
          'id': 12,
          'Choices': 'Pencil'
          'id': 13,
          'Choices': 'Monitor'
          'id': 14,
          'Choices': 'Pentel Pen'
          'id': 15,
          'Choices': 'Wire'
     let FNDataThree = sessionStorage.setItem('FNthreeData', JSON.stringify(arrayInFnThree));

document.querySelector('button').addEventListener('click', () => {
    let finalData = sessionStorage.setItem('FinalDataAns', concat(FNDataOne,FNDataTwo,FNDataThree))