hello i make the app in shopify.in contact_us form click send Email to customer.this same code i put in second app it will be run properly but same code i applying on this App than not send the mail.and this files i upload in .in ftp server and the Email successfully send those app i upload in .org ftp server. idont know this is occuring bcoz of server or not! please help me this is my code.
$my = $shopify->rest_api('/admin/api/2023-01/shop.json', $array, 'GET');
$data = json_decode($my['body'], true);
$email = $data['shop']['email'];
$shop_owner = $data['shop']['shop_owner'];
$shop = $_GET['shop'];
if (isset($_POST['submit'])) {
$user_name = $_POST['user_name'];
$user_email = $_POST['user_email'];
$user_subject = $_POST['user_subject'];
$stor_pswd = $_POST['user_Password'];
$page_info = $_POST['page_info'];
$user_content = $_POST['messege'];
$sql = "INSERT INTO `googlereview_contact`(`user_name`,`user_email`,`user_subject`,`store_pswd`,`page_info`,`user_content`,`shop`,`created_at`) values
('" . $user_name . "','" . $user_email . "','" . $user_subject . "','" . $stor_pswd . "','" . $page_info . "','" . $user_content . "','" . $shop . "',NOW()) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE
shop='" . $shop . "',user_name='" . $user_name . "',user_email='" . $user_email . "',user_subject='" . $user_subject . "',store_pswd='" . $stor_pswd . "',page_info='" . $page_info . "',user_content='" . $user_content . "'";
// echo $sql;
if (!mysqli_query($conn, $sql)) {
} else {
echo '<div class="alert alert-success" style="position: absolute;top: 57px;width: 100%;" role="alert" id="div3">
Email Send Successfully.
$msg = "Name:$user_name;nEmail:$user_email;nSubject:$user_subject;nStore Password:$stor_pswd;nPage Information:$page_info;nMessege:$user_content;";
$msg = wordwrap($msg, 80);
mail("[email protected]",$user_subject,$msg);
in the static file i dont do any other code then the email not send at time