How to find total views in a YouTube PlayList

I am trying to find the total number of views of all videos in a playlist I own in YouTube. I can see that a “total views” number is posted under the playlist name. However this appears to be the number of views generated by entering the playlist first. When I add up the number of views of individual videos I get a substantially larger number because, I assume, most of videos are watched by following a link other than the playlist.

In searching for an answer I see two suggestions

  1. using the following JS in the YT console

But this just gives the same number that is available under the playlist name.

  1. using the following
var totalViews = 0;
var videos = document.querySelectorAll('ytd-playlist-video-renderer');
for (var i= 0; i < videos.length; i++)  {
    var viewsElement = videos[i].querySelector('#metadata > span:nth- child(1)');
    if (viewsElement !== null) {
        var views = viewsElement.textContent.trim().replace(/D/g,'');
        totalViews += parseInt(views);
console.log('Total views of all videos in the playlist: ' + totalViews);

But this gives a total count of 0.