How do I fetch Multiple Specific Rows in Supabase JS?

I have 2 tables Clients and Contacts

I have a table with a cell with specific user IDs in the client table called “contacts”

How do I fetch the specific rows from the contacts table from the contacts array found in the client table?

Getting the array is easy enough

let associatedContactsArray = [];

async function getAssociatedContactsID() {
        const { data: contacts, error } = await supabaseClient
            .eq('id', $clientID);
        if (contacts) {
            const [fetchedContacts] = contacts;
            if (fetchedContacts.contacts != null) {
                associatedContactsArray = fetchedContacts.contacts;
                hasAssociatedContacts = true;
                console.log('ASSOCIATED CONTACTS', associatedContactsArray);

            } else {
                console.log('THERE ARE NO CONTACTS');
                hasAssociatedContacts = false;

        if (error) {
            console.log('ERROR GETTING ASSOCIATED CONTACTS', error);

The following does not work.

    async function getAssociatedContacts() {
        const { data: contacts, error } = await supabaseClient
            .filter('id', 'in', { associatedContactsArray });
        if (contacts) {
            const [fetchedContacts] = contacts;
            if (fetchedContacts.contacts != null) {
                console.log('GOT CONTACT DETAILS');
                console.log('CONTACTS', contacts);
            } else {
                console.log('NO CONTACT DETAILS');
                hasAssociatedContacts = false;

        if (error) {
            console.log('ERROR GETTING ASSOCIATED CONTACTS', error);

I get the error:
{ "code": "PGRST100", "details": "unexpected "[" expecting "("", "hint": null, "message": ""failed to parse filter (in.[object Object])" (line 1, column 4)" }

Referencing Match the Filter: