MongoDB: More Performant Way to Update an Array of Subdocuments from an Array of Values?

I’ve searched the forums and the mongodb docs but I’m still struggling with this one. I have an Article model, with a property called triangle_key which is an array of objects:

const articleSchema = new mongoose.Schema({
   triangle_key: [{
        token: Number,
        unique_beer: String,
        unique_cup: String,

Users can submit an array of triangle_keys via a form. This array gets sent to the server on req.body.key and looks like this:

  {token: "1", unique_beer: "blue", unique_cup: "B"},
  {token: "2", unique_beer: "yellow", unique_cup: "A"},

What is the best way to update every triangle_key in the Article with its corresponding value in req.body.key? In other words, if a user submits four triangle_keys with tokens 1, 2, 3 and 4, I would like to update the triangle_keys with token 1, 2, 3 and 4 in the Article to match. If the user submits a triangle_key with a token that doesn’t currently exist in Article.triangle_key, then I want to add it to Article.triangle_key.

I currently solve this by looping through the array in req.body.key and querying the Article every iteration… The below code works, but is very slow.

// add or update each token/unique_beer pair to the article key
for (const inputSet of req.body.key) {
  const updateResults = await Article.updateOne(
    { _id: req.params.article_id },
    { $set: 
         "triangle_key.$[elem].token": inputSet.token, 
         "triangle_key.$[elem].unique_beer": inputSet.unique_beer, 
         "triangle_key.$[elem].unique_cup": inputSet.unique_cup, 
       arrayFilters: [ { "elem.token": { $eq: inputSet.token } } ]

  // if it couldn't update it (didn't find a match), then push a new one.
  if (updateResults.modifiedCount === 0) {
    await Article.updateOne(
      { _id: req.params.article_id },
      { $push: 
              token: inputSet.token, 
              unique_beer: inputSet.unique_beer,
              unique_cup: inputSet.unique_cup,

Is there a faster/better way to do this?