Loading Sentry from CDN with `defer` attribute, and avoiding Uncaught ReferenceError when initializing

I am loading Sentry from CDN with the defer attributed as per Using Defer in the Sentry docs.

I have a subsequent script tag, that initializes Sentry using Sentry.init, as per the Usage & Configuration docs.

This results in an Uncaught ReferenceError: Sentry is not defined as Sentry.init is executed before Sentry has time to load due to the deferred attribute.

What is the best way to initialize Sentry when using the defer attribute, so that errors that may occur in other scripts (which are also using defer) are not lost?

The code extact:

<script defer

  dsn: "https://[email protected]/123456",
  release: "{{ SENTRY.dsn }}", //from Django Context
  integrations: [new Sentry.BrowserTracing()],
  tracesSampleRate: {{ SENTRY.traces_sample_rate }} //from Django Context,

// all other script tags are after Sentry and have a defer attributed (as per the docs).

Should I just extract the initialization logic into a separate JS file and then load it right after the Sentry CDN script tag also using defer, or are there better solutions?