Set Button Uppy React File Input as SVG Image

I want to change the button of Uppy File input from string text to svg image, and this is my code :

import { DeleteOutlined } from '@ant-design/icons';
import Uppy from '@uppy/core';
import { FileInput } from '@uppy/react';

function MyComponent() {
  const [uppy, setUppy] = useState(null);

  function handleMount() {
    const uppyInstance = Uppy({
      autoProceed: true,
      restrictions: {
        maxFileSize: 1000000, // example restriction


  function handleUnmount() {
    uppy.close(); // close the uppy instance when the component is unmounted

  const fileInputProps = {
    uppy: uppy,
    target: '#file-input-container',
    pretty: true,
    locale: {
      strings: {
        chooseFiles: 'Choose files'

  return (
      <FileInput {...fileInputProps} />

in locale.strings there is string text ‘Choose files’, how to replace to be <DeleteOutlined icon ?