How to create React Native package that depends on other Native SDKs

I’m trying to create an npm package for React Native.
This package would exist as a module to the already existing React Native SDK (core module).
Something like @react-native-firebase/app <—> @react-native-firebase/crashlytics relation.

I understand that I should start with create-react-native-library
and to add the core module as a peerDependencie.

The before-mentioned React Native SDK has a bridge to native SDKs for iOS and Android. Those native SDKs have additional modules that I want to include in my npm package.

And this is where I get lost, how to include those native modules in my package. Any advice is more than appreciated.

This question is ‘in the neighborhood of what I’m asking but it doesn’t provide the explanation that I need.

Do I need to add something like this in .podspec file:
s.dependency ‘iOS_MODULE_THAT_I_WANT’, ‘1.0.0’

Are there other steps to take? If so, what would be equvelent od that for Android.