Clipping free drawing in canvas with Konva.js

First, I get the svg file and add svg <path> elements to Konva layer separately using fabric.js (If you know a better way please share).

fabric.loadSVGFromURL(svgFile, (objects) => {
  objects.forEach(obj => {
    const path = new Konva.Path({
      data: obj.d,
      opacity: 1,
      x: 0,
      y: 0,
      fill: 'white',
      globalCompositeOperation: 'destination-over'

Then, I added 3 listeners to Konva stage:

  1. mousedown touchstart
  2. mouseup touchend
  3. mousemove touchmove

mousedown touchstart listener clips context to a Path2D which is created with the event target’s path data (data of the element which the mouse pointer was clicked on it) :

stage.on('mousedown touchstart', (event) => {
  isDrawing = true
  lastPointerPosition = stage.getPointerPosition()
  const path2d = new Path2D(

mouseup touchend listener restores canvas in order to remove clipping.

stage.on('mouseup touchend', () => {
  isDrawing = false

mousemove touchmove listener draws on canvas (like a brush):

stage.on('mousemove touchmove', (event) => {
  if (!isDrawing) return

  const pos = stage.getPointerPosition()
  const localPos = {
    x: lastPointerPosition.x - image.x(),
    y: lastPointerPosition.y - image.y()

  context.moveTo(localPos.x, localPos.y)
  localPos = {
    x: pos.x - image.x(),
    y: pos.y - image.y()
  context.lineTo(localPos.x, localPos.y)
  lastPointerPosition = pos

image is the a Konva.Image which contains the canvas.

const image = new Konva.Image({
  image: canvas,
  x: 0,
  y: 0

I got the drawing functionality from Konva demo.

Clipping works fine, except when there is an object below another object, and drawing on the object below overlaps the object above. Here is an example:

enter image description here
enter image description here

So if the mouse was clicked on the circle first, drawing should not overlap the star object:

enter image description here

Thanks for your time, I appreciate your help.