I have 3 route paths: Contact
, Customers
, Greeting
Desired behavior:
From Customers
page, and then navigating to Contact
page, I want the page to scroll to the middle of the page. I only want this to happen if going from Customers
-> Contact
, not from any other route -> Contact
. and not from refreshing the page.
MY ATTEMPT (not working):
From customers
, I have a function:
const navigationExtras: NavigationExtras = { state: { middle: 'middle' } };
this.router.navigate(['contact'], navigationExtras);
When it navigates back to Contact
const navigation = this.router.getCurrentNavigation();
const state = navigation?.extras.state as { middle: any };
if (state){
if ( state['middle'] === 'middle'){
setTimeout(() => {
block: 'start',
behavior: "smooth"
}, 1500);
Problem: When I refresh the page, it still scrolls down to the middle section in my contact
page. I don’t know how to replicate this in stackblitz, but on my local code, it has this behavior. Refreshing on contact
page, still scrolls down to the middle.