Print all paths to leafs of a tree-like list array and concatenate corresponding values in the path with special conditions

I have an array consisting of keys and values where keys are a tree like numbered list. This is the input array:

inputArr =  [
             ["1", "p"], 
             ["1.1", "q"], 
             ["1.2", "a"], 
             ["1.2", "b"], 
             ["1.2", "c"], 
             ["1.2.1", "d"], 
             ["1.2.2", "4"], 
             ["", "5"], 
             ["1.3", "6"], 
             ["1.4x", "7"], 
             ["2", "8"], 
             ["2.1", "9"], 
             ["2.2", "10"], 
             ["2.2.1x", "11"],
             ["2.2.2", "12"],
             ["3", "13"], 
             ["4", "14"]

Expected output:

outputArr = [
             ["1.1", "p,q"], 
             ["1.2.1", "p,a,b,c,d"], 
             ["", "p,a,b,c,4,5"], 
             ["1.3", "p,6"], 
             ["1.4x", "7"], // not "p,7", because key has a tailing 'x' 
             ["2.1", "8,9"], 
             ["2.2.1x", "11"], //not "8,10,11", because key has a tailing 'x'
             ["2.2.2", "8,10,12"],
             ["3", "13"], 
             ["4", "14"]

Let me explain the first output: ["1.1", "p,q"] :

It is the first leaf. It’s path is: “1”->”1.1″. The values in the path are: “p” , “q”.

Let me explain the second output: ["1.2.1", "p,a,b,c,d"] :

It is the second leaf.
Here, I have treated duplicate keys as extension of one.["1.2", "a"],["1.2", "b"],["1.2", "c"] means ["1.2", "abc"] .

So, the path of the second leaf is : “1”->(“1.2” + “1.2” + “1.2”)->”1.2.1″.

Let me explain the fifth output:["1.4x", "7"] :

Please note: it is not “p,7”. Since the key has a tailing ‘x’, this leaf should not take ‘p’ in the output.

Same logic is applicable for seventh output.

What I have done so far:

Here is my attempts to this issue so far.

This is a piece of code I am using right now:


function getTreeBranch(arr, c, p) {

    var outputArr = [],
    s = [],

    for (var i = 0; i < arr.length - 1; i++) {
        curr = arr[i];
        next = arr[i + 1];
        currLevel = curr[c].split(".").length
        nextLevel = next[c].split(".").length

            if (currLevel == 1) {
                s = []
                if (currLevel == nextLevel)
                    outputArr.push([curr[c], s.join(',')]);
            } else if (currLevel < nextLevel) {
            } else if (currLevel == nextLevel) {
                outputArr.push([curr[c], s.join(',')]);
            } else if (currLevel > nextLevel) {
                outputArr.push([curr[c], s.join(',') + ',' +curr[p]]);
                for (j = 0; j < (currLevel - nextLevel); j++) {

    var lastItem = arr[arr.length - 1];
    if ((lastItem[c].length) == 1) {
        s = []
    outputArr.push([lastItem[c], s.join(',')]);

    return outputArr


But this function can’t handle duplicate keys and tailing ‘x’s.

Can you suggest any correction or update, any alternative piece of code, any algorithm or hint about the problem? Any help will be much appreciated.