Bootstrap v5.0 offcanvas issue

I am dealing with bootstrap v5.0 offcanvas. Everything was a success until one step.

When i click on the open offcanvas button. My offcanvas appears as below image
Offcanvas image

As u can see in my inspect code, there is two div tags namely

<div class="modal-backdrop fade show" bis_skin_checked="1"></div>


<div class="offcanvas-backdrop fade show" bis_skin_checked="1"></div>

There issue comes here, if i click on an empty space, my offcanvas will close, but,

<div class="offcanvas-backdrop fade show" bis_skin_checked="1"></div>

will still be there as image below

Image 2

And when i click onto the open offcanvas button again

<div class="offcanvas-backdrop fade show" bis_skin_checked="1"></div>

will disappear and now there will only be this

<div class="modal-backdrop fade show" bis_skin_checked="1"></div>

and the offcanvas will only appear the grey backdrop without the offcanvas itself as in image below

Image 3

But the offcanvas will work completely fine if i clicked the close button in the offcanvas not outside the offcanvas body.

Is there by any chance im also calling an invisible modal at the same time im calling an offcanvas ?