We need an conversion tool for converting an excellsheet into an xml, build in asp.net. The tool needs to match the columnheaders to the database.
Proces: The user imports an excell sheet, the tool reads the columnheaders in the excell sheet and show these headers on a webpage. The user can then match each columnheader with the corresponding fieldnames. The user clicks import after he’s done. The flat data must be converted to the hierarchical XML data. The XML will be read into our application.
– The tool needs to be server based and robust enough for multiple users at once.
– the tool needs to anlyse the headers of the original excell sheet and give a suggestion mapping. For example a header called customer name, would be mapped to the preferred header name organisationname. There will be a lot of those.
– When the customer is ready with the mapping, he needs to be able to save the mapping for future use.
– The tool needs do validation.
– The tool needs to do some basic conversions.